
Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Well all I can say is that I absolutely loved, loved, loved Madrid. Its completely different from Barcelona in so many different ways. Number one the style of buildings, most of Madrid's buildings are from the 18th century. Number two there is a palace there - enough said. Number three they go out every night of the week there (for the most part!), also there is some serious tension between Barcelona and Madrid. I just spent a whole dinner talking to Montse and Luis about it -- but thats a story.

When we were in Madrid we spent a lot of time in museums we went to both the Prado and Reyna Sofía. At the Prado we saw artist such as: El Greco, Goya, Rembrandt, and Velazquez... to name a few. It was amazing to stand in front of paintings that I had only seen in texts books to actually seeing them in person.

At Reyna Sofía we were able to see work by Miró, Dalí, and Picasso. I was actually able to see the Guernica painting, which was unreal. Every day at Burkes during my 5th, 7th, and 8th grade years I passed a mural that was modeled off of this painting and to see it in person - well i really don't have the words for it... so I will just add a picture.

In front of Reyna Sofía

Guernica - Picasso

Church next to the Prado

So on sunday morning we went to the El Rastro - a flee market that happens every sunday (I think) in Madrid.... upon arrival we were expecting something with food... much to our surprise and dismay there was no food to be found.... this did not sit well with our stomachs, so we headed over towards the Prado and went to a very overpriced (but delicious) tapas restaurant were we ended up getting 4 ceaser salads but switching dressings to a soy based vinaigrette... go figure

While in Madrid we did some night time touring, which was spectacular (and also freezing!! and me being the genius child i am wore a dress). Willem, one of the members of the group, has a friend who lives in Madrid and showed us around the city! We saw all sorts of places.

In Plaza Mayor

Statue infront of the palace

1 comment:

  1. Hi Haley,
    Looks like fun! We'll miss you at turkey day this year. Hope you are having a great time.
    Love from
    aunt felicia & uncle david, elise & jj
