
Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Paris! oh Paris... I don't even know where to begin. Seeing that I just got back yesterday (monday) I am still overwhelmed by the whirl wind of a weekend. And oh what a crazy weekend it was! Not because it was filled with partying, but because I was in Paris. (I just love saying that). So anyhow let me begin...

Crossing over one of the many bridges in Paris

I woke up at the lovely hour 4:30 am, reminds me of my days in crew, and hopped in my cab and was off to the airport.... after a cup of coffee, an hour flight delay, I was in Paris! and so the weekend of sight seeing began. We hopped on the metro and were off to the Notre Dame. Immediately I think of the Disney movie... the Hunchback of Notre Dame with Esmarelda. Walking away from the Notre Dame we grabbed a crêpe, my first piece of food in France!

Us girls in front

Rose Window

Just a view from inside

After waltzing around the Notre Dame, which is truly gorgeous - I don't even think I can express how much I love gothic architecture, we were off to the Louve. Of course the movie that pops into my head now is... The Da Vichi Code. I did not even realize how large the Museum truly was and how gorgeous... here I saw the Mona Lisa! I am still in shock that I saw it! After wandering around about 1/4 (if that) of the museum we were off to lunch...

The Louvre

Enterance to the Louvre

Not to state the obvious but... the Mona Lisa

After lunch we made our way back to the hostel, everyone was exhausted at this point and nearly about to collapse. From here we made our way to dinner and found a delicious restaurant, La Cusine - I highly recommend it to anyone traveling to Paris.

After a good night sleep we were off to another full day! Starting at the Eiffel Tower, truly is spectacular - not overrated at all! We decided that we wanted to come back the next night to go up and see the city at night time.... which is spectacular. Unfortunately my little camera was out of batteries so I had to resort to my i-phone, looking even more pathetic next to the large cameras clicking away next to me.

Next it was off to the Arch de Triumph - which is in a huge round about at the top of Av Des Champs-Elysées, one of the main shopping streets in Paris! Here we grabbed lunch and then we made our way to the park in front of the Louvre. Here we people watched and saw countless fashion statements, couples, and just soaked up the fact that we were in Paris for the weekend.

Arch de Triumph

A little bit of Paris Fashion.... oh how I wish I could dress like this!

Then we were off too the next museum, Museo d'Orsay... here I saw Monet, Stewart, van Gogh, Renoir, and many others... then it was back to the hostel for us... and off to Steak Frets (round 1) at Le Realized L'entrcote

Next morning we went off to Ladureé aka one of the best bakeries that I have ever been to. It was filled with chocolates, pastries, cookies, and all sorts of unhealthy goodies that are absolutely to die for. If you ever have pictured a french cafe/pastry shop in your head - this is what you imagined.

Next it was off to the Rodin Museum... a huge park filled with status. I loved it here and honestly would be in heaven if this was my backyard. I could have spent the whole day just curled up reading a book in the sun here. Now for me to say I could spend the whole day reading in a place says a lot!!

Could you imagine if this was your house and backyard??

The Thinker

A house that over looks the garden from the side

Next up Luxunburg park... wow some more amazing people watching. It felt like fall here, with all the leaves and people bundled up in coats and boots.

Then Eiffel tower at sundown/night time. Well what can I say, the view is absolutely spectacular - but I think that goes without saying. After waiting in a rather quickly moving long line we saw the view of the whole city, and the tower light up on the hour! We even saw a someone get proposed to, how romantic! It makes me want to be proposed to a cute way...

View of the city

Then it was back to steak frets with some of the best lemon tart for dessert and then the river tour! Where we saw the city all lit up at night! and that sums up my whirl-wind trip to Paris.

View from the boat tour

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