
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Buen Camino - Camino de Santiago

Camino de Santiago – an 8-day adventure covering 120k in 6 days. We walked around 20k – 24k a day and stayed in various hostels along the way. Now, I have never stayed in a hostel before this trip and well let me just say it was quite the experience. We stayed in all sorts of hostels… some with historical significance; others where we had are own room for our group of 8, others where we were in a room with around 50 other people.

Never before have I been so grateful for the invention of earplugs. Honestly who ever invented them is my hero because I do not think could have slept through the night with all that snoring. Some nights I could even hear the snoring through my earplugs – utter shenanigans.

Now for something a little more interesting – pictures from Santiago and the Camino its self…

The first night we start in Ponferrada, a city with a huge hostel with volunteers from all over the world. By the time we got there (via train) the hostel ran out of actual beds so we all ended up sleeping on a mattress on a floor. Here is a plaza in Ponferrada near where we had our first dinner of the Camino.

Next up we arrived at a smaller town with a historical hostel and Church. The man who ran this hostel was the man who put all of the yellow arrows pointing towards Santiago – kind of its own yellow brick road. I am currently blanking on the name of the town and the hostel (a double fail on my part). But here are pictures of the hostel, the view, and the church next to it.

right in front of our hostel

View from of town from our hostel

The only other church besides Santiago that has a door of pardon on the Camino

Each night we ended up eating a meal cooked by the hostel with all the other peregrinos (people doing the camino). This was one of my favorite parts of the Camino, not only because the food was amazing and I was usually starving at this point, but also this is when we got to meet people from all over the world. It was one big family dinner and it was often an entertaining one.

The road we walked into town in... after a very long day of walking

One of the streets in a small town where we stoped for coffee

More views along the way

We finally made it to Galicia (the province that Santiago is in) Here we stopped in a very touristy town with one of the most gorgeous views I have ever seen. Chessie and I wanted a picture taken of us with the view – and well we asked someone to take a picture (mind you we asked in Spanish) and well I don’t think he understood what we were saying because he kind of went and posed for a picture himself… so we had to ask someone else. Here was a gorgeous old church and lots of small bars and cafés. We stopped in one and had amazing tradition Galician soup, cheese and honey, and empanada.

Chessie and I in Galicia in a small town

View of Montains in Galicia

After some more walking, and some more walking, and a bus ride we finally made it to Santiago! And let me just say… standing in front of the Church and seeing how beautiful it is and then looking around to see everyone’s reaction is something everyone should do if they get the chance. We spent the next few days in Santiago taking a tour of the Church, exploring the city, going to the museum, seeing the park, and running around from store to store sampling cheese, chocolate, and torta (a dessert that is famous in Santiago).

Cathedral de Santiago

Main Plaza in Santiago (accross from the cathedral)

View from roof of the cathedral

Side street by our hostel

The group by the original bell from the tower

Us girls in front of the Cathedral upon arival

Bell tower of Cathedral de Santiago

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