
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

mi barrio - translation: my neighborhood

Hola from the streets of Barcelona...

Today I decided to take my time a write about my neighborhood. I know not the world’s most exciting topic but I feel that it is an important one. So lets see... where to begin. The name of the neighborhood is Les Corts, which is also conveniently the name of the metro stop and bus stop making my life very easy.

Currently I am sitting at one of 2 great little cafes by the metro (not to say there not at least 20 more with in an easy walking distance). But instead of explaining all the details of different shops, bars, and cafes I am just going to add pictures. Make it more enjoyable for everyone.

So here is the café that I am currently sitting at Easy Presto. Have one of the better cortados (espresso with a little dash of cream) in the neighborhood.

Just down two stores down is Le Naturale – another great little café with more outdoor seating and free wi-fi.

Here is the park right on the main plaza/square area by my metro stop. Nothing to special but a great place to sit and people watch.

Here is the official building of Les Corts each barrio has one – and I’m pretty sure that this is the one of mine district.

So something else that is different from the states is the number of people who ride motorcycles around. I know that sounds like I am stating the obvious – but I’m saying it anyway. The one thing I cant get over is that women will ride them wearing heals! How unreal is that? I mean I changed my shoes to walk from the bus to the office over the summer.

DIR (prounonced: deer) – The gym I go to – nothing really to exciting about this picture. Just thought I would add it in for fun.

Bikes, bikes, and more bikes. The city has a biking program where one pays X amount and has use of the bikes – they pick one up from the bike rack and then drop it off at another. How great does that sound? Unfortunately you have to be a resident of Barcelona to get in on this.

So that’s just about it – quick picture summery of my neighborhood. Next up more exciting things

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