
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Beach day in october....

Good morning from Barcelona! Currently it is raining outside - and has been all weekend. But I'm going to make a quick flash back to last weekend for this entry. The beach was packed with tens of thousands of people, there where only a few clouds in the sky. Not the dark ominous clouds, but the light fluffy ones. It was Europe or Spain's (not fully sure) version of blue angles only it included Helicopters, older planes, and newer jets too. And walking on the beach - i thought to my self. Oh my goodness, what am I doing here? (in a good way) Everything was beautiful I was walking barefoot in the sand and just people watching and then sat down at a great lounge to have a café viernes aka the worlds best invention. A café viernes is a shot of espresso with the rest of the cup filled with whipped cream. Honestly my new favorite drink. Well anyway here are a few pictures from that day of strolling on the beach before the rain started.

Some of the Jets

They even had a comercial plane (w/o people) in the show!
hundreds of thousands of people that day....

Sandcastle on the beach

Life Garud enjoying the beach

I walked along the beach, feet in the water... just enjoying my time in Barcelona

1 comment:

  1. What a fun and fabulous way to spend a weekend!! We actually watched the Blue Angels last weekend in SF. Poor Jack was torn between glee and terror and finally decided taking a nap was the best option:) xoxoxo-andrea
