
Thursday, October 14, 2010

just a few pictures

Today I am just to tired to write a lot to be honest. It was a long day - filled with class in the morning, lunch with the girls, then time to grab a quick coffee and time to read my book. I've been reading more here then normal, I mean in reality its not a ton... but its a lot for me. Then after my mini coffee break at a little café near where I help teach swim team twice a week.

So on a complete change of subject - the other day after lunch a few of us walked around behind Las Ramblas talking a few pictures of buildings. I have to admit I looked mildly pathetic compared to Chessie and Corwin with there large Nikon cameras and me on my mini camera that fits in my pocket, but oh well. Here are a few pictures I took with my camera...

1 comment:

  1. Don't go there anymore! It's scary looking!!!!! Oh and I think your pocket-sized camera did a great job:)
