
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Churches and Cathedrals

Well this entry is going to be one of the more straight forward and to the point entry, lacking my tangent thoughts. Since I have been in Barcelona I have seen more Churches then I think I have in the States. Not only have I been inside a wide variety of churches I have been in Museums with some of the original apse and art work from romanesque churches throughout Cataluna.

Also last weekend I went with the other girls in the group and walked around Sangrada Familia. What I just cant get over is that I was actually there in person! It was all very surreal, I mean I have always imagined going there - but I was actually there, how ridiculous is that? So here are pictures from all the various churches I have been to in Barcelona.

All of the Pics from Sangrada Familia

The Cathedral

View from Cathedral Roof

Rose Windows

Inside Santa Maria del Mar

Another Church - dont know the name

So thats it - those are some of the pictures of a few churches that I went to in Barcelona. There where so many other amazing buildings throughout the Barrio Gotico, including old pillars from the roman era, it was just too amazing not to include a picture. It smelled really bad here - and there where apartments sounding the area - I could not imagine have that smell around me 24-7.

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