
Thursday, September 30, 2010

I should not be a journalist...

So... I have been in Spain for 3 weeks and what have I learned? That I should not be a journalist. I am going have to buckle down and start blogging my trip... so that is exactly what I am going to do right now. I will add pictures of my family, group, neighborhood, and well everything I do. But for now a quick intro to my life here is Spain…

So lets see where to begin… I’ll start with my family. I have 3 host brothers, a mom, and dad . Life with 2 sisters and life with 3 little boys could not be more different. While I played dress up and with Barbie dolls - here there are epic battles throughout the house. With soccer balls flying down the hallway, toy bow and arrows being shot across rooms - I have no option but to grab a shield and defend my self.

Next up my El Casal group. My group is composed of 7 students from all walks of life and from every corner of the States (more or less). Here we are in front of the MNAC- at a view that looks over almost all of Barcelona. Going from left to right we have: Corwin, me, Chessie, Anna, Patrick (PJ - for short), Willem, and Will. That’s the group.

Here is the view with out all of us blocking it:

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