
Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Well all I can say is that I absolutely loved, loved, loved Madrid. Its completely different from Barcelona in so many different ways. Number one the style of buildings, most of Madrid's buildings are from the 18th century. Number two there is a palace there - enough said. Number three they go out every night of the week there (for the most part!), also there is some serious tension between Barcelona and Madrid. I just spent a whole dinner talking to Montse and Luis about it -- but thats a story.

When we were in Madrid we spent a lot of time in museums we went to both the Prado and Reyna Sofía. At the Prado we saw artist such as: El Greco, Goya, Rembrandt, and Velazquez... to name a few. It was amazing to stand in front of paintings that I had only seen in texts books to actually seeing them in person.

At Reyna Sofía we were able to see work by Miró, Dalí, and Picasso. I was actually able to see the Guernica painting, which was unreal. Every day at Burkes during my 5th, 7th, and 8th grade years I passed a mural that was modeled off of this painting and to see it in person - well i really don't have the words for it... so I will just add a picture.

In front of Reyna Sofía

Guernica - Picasso

Church next to the Prado

So on sunday morning we went to the El Rastro - a flee market that happens every sunday (I think) in Madrid.... upon arrival we were expecting something with food... much to our surprise and dismay there was no food to be found.... this did not sit well with our stomachs, so we headed over towards the Prado and went to a very overpriced (but delicious) tapas restaurant were we ended up getting 4 ceaser salads but switching dressings to a soy based vinaigrette... go figure

While in Madrid we did some night time touring, which was spectacular (and also freezing!! and me being the genius child i am wore a dress). Willem, one of the members of the group, has a friend who lives in Madrid and showed us around the city! We saw all sorts of places.

In Plaza Mayor

Statue infront of the palace

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Well - if I can give one piece of advice to anyone who is going to Barcelona, is to take the 1.5 hour train ride up to Girona, because it is absolutly gorgeous! We went two fridays ago and I absolutly fell in love with it. It is inland of Costa Brava, another place that I want to see. Anyhow we went for a morning trip and went all over the city. Walking along the bridge, through the church, the old Jewish neighborhood, and the Muslim Baths (i think that is what they are called, but I am not 100% sure) Well any how after spending the morning here we rushed back to barcelona and then in a skip hop and a jump we where on are way to Madrid... But I will save that for another blog entery, this one is about Girona. (more pictures then words again, oh well)

One of the Churches in Girona

Another Church (gothic style) in Girona

The baths - muslim architecture influence

Just the streets of Girona

So many art studnets in Girona drawing the different buildings

Reflection of the colored houses - I forget the offical name

The actuall colored houses along the river

Saturday, October 23, 2010

People watching

Just thought this entry would be a few people watching pics... I turned them into black and white just for giggles. Don't really feel like writing much about them - because I just wrote a lot about food and now I am a little hungry to be honest and we will probably not eat for another hour... mind you it is 9:00pm here. Oh well here are just some people watching photos....

A girls gotta eat!

Well i know its been a while and I have just been so busy the past week. We got back from Girona and went straight to Madrid and well since then I have been running in circles and trying to find a little time to get some sleep in there. Anyhow I this week has been a week of great food. Some days I feel like I am in the Italy portion of Eat Pray Love... only in Spain.

When it comes to food I don't even know where to start! I think I will start with cooking - both with Montse and then the cooking class I took.

Let me just say Montse is an incredible cook. That is not just an opinion, but a factual statement - and we are always having something delicious for dinner. My favorite being bread and cheese night - but thats a different topic. I can pull together a plate of bread and cheese with out a problem, but what I had no idea how to make was paella and spanish tortilla. Both of which are traditional food here (and really yummy if I do say so myself). So a while ago Montse and I took the afternoon to make paella with different sea creatures in it... I don't think I have ever had so much sea food in one sitting before. I think I may have to make a fish-less (or version w/ less fish when I get home) Guest chef night here I come!

Montse and my sea food paella

Now in addition to learning how to make paella - i learned how to make spanish tortilla, which is kind of like an omelet w/ potatoes, that you slice into wedges - like slicing a cake. Like paella you can choose what you want in it - but really potatoes are the most common. Me being the genius I am forgot to take a picture of the tortilla that night - looks like I will just have to take a picture of the next one I make.

Next up Cooking class.... So me and 4 of the other el casual students went to a traditional spanish cooking class. And I can not even express how good this food was! We started with tapas - small dishes (generally shared) we made pan con tomate (bread and tomato - similar to a bruccetta) and then we had Spanish tortilla (not as good as Montse and mine, but thats okay) and then we had a tomato gazpacho, which was absolutely to die for. After a lovely meal of tapas (I was already getting full) we had Paella. Now Chessie, Anna, and I where in charge of the paella and let me just say it was bomb-digity! (yes I just said bomb-digity) but really it was some of the best paella ever! It was chicken and veggie- which I think is way better the sea food one. Now for dessert we had a very traditional Catalan desert - catalan cream. Which is similar to a creme brulé but different... needless to say I ate everything! Warning to all back home - this will be my guest chef meal, prepare to be full for about 2 months after.

gasspacho, bread and tomato, tortilla

Chicken/Veggie Paella - aka - amazingness

Now one of my absolute favorite thing to do in Barcelona is the Boqueria. Its a huge market right off Las Ramblas with everything one could ever imagine. I love walking around taking pictures of the food, seeing all the different people, and most importantly trying all the different types of food. Today I bought myself a piece of bread, a slice of goat, a slice of gruyere, and a peach. I was a happy girl. There are also tons of small restaurant/cafés right in the market. Here are just a few of the pictures from today... I am not going to put them all up because that would just take forever....

Fruit and Veggies

Fruit smothies - such pretty colors!


Chocolate, nuts, and candy

Peppers and Garlic


If u happen to be in Barcelona and want to go to a cooking class --
Cook and Taste:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

just a few pictures

Today I am just to tired to write a lot to be honest. It was a long day - filled with class in the morning, lunch with the girls, then time to grab a quick coffee and time to read my book. I've been reading more here then normal, I mean in reality its not a ton... but its a lot for me. Then after my mini coffee break at a little café near where I help teach swim team twice a week.

So on a complete change of subject - the other day after lunch a few of us walked around behind Las Ramblas talking a few pictures of buildings. I have to admit I looked mildly pathetic compared to Chessie and Corwin with there large Nikon cameras and me on my mini camera that fits in my pocket, but oh well. Here are a few pictures I took with my camera...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Beach day in october....

Good morning from Barcelona! Currently it is raining outside - and has been all weekend. But I'm going to make a quick flash back to last weekend for this entry. The beach was packed with tens of thousands of people, there where only a few clouds in the sky. Not the dark ominous clouds, but the light fluffy ones. It was Europe or Spain's (not fully sure) version of blue angles only it included Helicopters, older planes, and newer jets too. And walking on the beach - i thought to my self. Oh my goodness, what am I doing here? (in a good way) Everything was beautiful I was walking barefoot in the sand and just people watching and then sat down at a great lounge to have a café viernes aka the worlds best invention. A café viernes is a shot of espresso with the rest of the cup filled with whipped cream. Honestly my new favorite drink. Well anyway here are a few pictures from that day of strolling on the beach before the rain started.

Some of the Jets

They even had a comercial plane (w/o people) in the show!
hundreds of thousands of people that day....

Sandcastle on the beach

Life Garud enjoying the beach

I walked along the beach, feet in the water... just enjoying my time in Barcelona