
Friday, November 26, 2010


Well happy (belated) turkey day! as I am sitting in my room... trying to digest the massive amounts of food in my stomach I thought I would post my greatful list. Today we had a Thanks Giving Dinner with at John and Ines's aprtment where we ate massive amounts of food. I was in charge of apple pie. I had to make my own crust (yikes!) took me for ever to find shortning here, but I think I found something close.

So frist Thanks Giving away from the family was not all bread and butter... but I have so much to be thankful for...

here is my grateful list (in no order - its what came to mind at random) - written in short hand notes for parts because was on a "note" app on thanks giving day orginally

Internal service plan
Friends for moral suport to put up with psycho aka me
That I can hear aka that I'm not deaf so I cab listen to music, so I can talk on the phone. So I can hear listen to lectures books on tape, so I know what birds sound like, so I know what I love u sounds like, so I can appriciate glee
That I have sight, see everyone and everything around me, that I can not live in darkness, that I can read
That I'm litterate
That I can write
That I have two working legs
That I have two parents and sisters that love me
That I have all my family and friends
That I have a great host family
That I have ppl who put up with all my crazy
That I have a roof over my head
That I have food every night
That montse is a good cook
That barcelona has an easy metro system
That I know how to cook
That our house has a bath
That I have family who would fly half way around the world for me
That I have a coat to keep me warm
That we have a heater in our apartment
That there are so many taxis
For montse (host mom)
For my education and the oppertunity that comes with it
That I can get around barcelona with out getting lost
The 6
All my friends
Warm boots
That my jeans still fit even after all these months in Spain
That there are starbucks in Spain
That my mom dad sam and madi and me are healthy (apart from the common cold)
That i live close to a gym
That tswift has a new album and still relates to my life
That I will have people who love me and who I love
Spell check
Art work
Books - those ppl who r able to express the ideas in words that sometime I can't even fomulate in my head
Text message
That i live in a safe neighborhood
That I have a warm thanks giving meal tonight
Nail polish
Fresh fruit
My exposure to art and arcitecture in Spain and Paris
Dance class
Modernist architecture/Barcelonas rich culture
Letters via snail mail
That I am close with my sisters and that we get along (most of the time)
That I will be with family over the holidays
That I learned spanish before comming to Spain
Cover up and concealer!!
Natrual sun light both that I can see it and feel it's warmth
That I have 3 large windows in my room back home
~ Much love and many thanks for everything ~
Happy thanks giving!

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