
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Coffee, coffee, coffee

Well yet again I find that I would be a terrible journalist! Could you imagine if I had dead lines to make.. yikes. I have so much to write about and so many different entries so apologies if the words are limited and the pictures in excess. So this entry is going to be on coffee. Laugh if you want but I think coffee and various caffeinated beverages is essential to survival. If I haven't stated it before - I have two addictions in life... caffeine and chick flicks.

So let me go through the number of times I have coffee a day... on average I would say 2.. but today I will be up to 4! (don't worry not all of them where coffee, there was one starbucks hot chocolate and one will be decaf)

Times I have coffee:

- Most mornings during "descanso" I am too tierd to function... so I hop on over to the café near El Casal. I suppose I realized I was a regular when they told me I could pay the next day because I didn't have enough money on me! (Looks like I found my temporary Angelina's)

- Every tuesday and thrusday at this amazing café/pastery shop/chocolate-ria

- Each week Montse and I grab coffee (and sometimes a dessert) togeather at a local café. Love this girls time to catch up and hear more about her life!

A noobs (new be) guides to coffee in Spain

cortado: expresso with milk (a favorite of mine... I usually use about a packet or two of sugar in each... mildy ridculosu, but so yummy!!)

café solo: espresso (not really popular here... much more the favorite in Italia)

Café con leche: coffee with milk (this is most common in the morning)

Cappacino: well I think this is self explanitory

Café viernes: HEVENLY (express with whiped cream - and sometimes a little bit of chocolate)

Té: tea - which is more expensive then some coffee drinks... go figure

Now since I have cortados almost daily... here are a few pictures of some of them

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