
Tuesday, November 30, 2010


When you think stereotypical spain you think about you are thinking about Sevilla. I am talking about bright colors, warm weather, yummy tapas, flamenco dancing, and well a huge cathedral. I absolutely loved Sevilla. Sevilla is located in Andalusia (aka southern Spain).

Well where did we start here is a weekend recap start to end! here goes nothing....

Well day one upon arrival we discover the massive amounts of orange trees! Yes they are everywhere and all I wanted to pick one so badly but I didn't partially because I wasn't sure I was allowed to and number two some of them just didn't look to yummy.

one of the many, many plazas in the city filled with orange trees

Next up we made are way to our hotel! Yes we where officially done with hostels and well this was a very good life decisions. Most of the hotels in Sevilla have some historic meaning. I'm not really sure what ours was, but they are all historic sights. We stayed in the Santa Cruz district which was the old Jewish neighborhood. It was filled with small streets that where just big enough for a motorcycle.

Next up we went to tapas for a pre dinner - and ate delicious food! next up we went to an amazing tapas restaurant where we ended up devouring numerous amounts of tapas and freakish quantities of deserts in a matter of several minutes. They where presented on a lazy susan and well we took this as these where all for us... wrong!! After eating all of them we look around and found that the other tables selected the ones they wanted and well they took the rest back. Oppsie daisy. Then we went to that restaurants flamenco show! Which was very casual but a lot of fun.

A tapas menu out side one of the many tapas bars

The next day we went to a few of the flee markets around town and then off to a museum and then the cathedral. The cathedral was spectacular. I mean it is huge and when you walk up the tower you can see all of Sevilla, its absoutly stuning. It also has flying butresses! which is something none of the cathedrals have in Cataluna... so it was kind of exciting to see this.

The Cathedral

View from the top... aka walking a 33 story ramp that went around in a square!

While in Sevilla Will's mom rented an apartment (she was visiting Will in Spain) and well invited us all over for tapas before going out to dinner! We went up to the roof which was a patio set up and it looked over the cathedral and well this was one of the most spectacular views I have ever seen.

What else the next day was low key just walking around doing a little shopping... or window shopping in my case. It was poring rain and we all got soaked! because non of us bought an umbrella... I was having the time of my life running around in the rain! but hey... thats just me.

That night we went out to dinner at the muslim baths and well this was a gorgeous building as well... a small hole in the wall restaurant, meaning you could walk right past it, but once you got inside it is huge! and had a spanish guitar player right by are table.

Walking around at night

Sevilla was such a relaxing low key weekend, filled with strolling through plazas, passing various buildings, eating an un-normal (I don't think that is a word, but thats okay) amount of tapas.

This was one of the castles we past that is in sevilla.. I really don't know much about it to be honest.

Walking around we saw this building

These are the gardins that we went through on are way to the airport!

Ohhh! Also before I foget... one thing I loved about Sevilla is how there where horse carriages everywhere to talk you through out the streets!

Well this was my trip to Sevilla in a nutshell! If you are traveling to Spain you must go here it was absoultly amazing!

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