
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Modernist Era

Well this is a very, very, very over due entry! Seeing that we made this visit who knows how long ago. Any how this is going to be the modernist visit entry. Before I start showing pictures a quick (and when I say quick I mean very quick) art lesson...

The modernist era focused on mixed materials such as ceramic tiles, bricks, iron... etc. Modernist was at its high during the end of the 1800's and beginning of the 1900's in Barcelona and many buildings. Names of the 3 most important (aka 3 that stand out): Gaudí, Puig I Cadafalch, and Doménech i Montaner. Thats the end of the very quick history lesson. The end.

Gaudí's La Padrera (Casa Mila)

Casa Batllo

Doménech i Montaner
Hospital de Sant Pau (Yes this is a hospital! does anyone else have trouble believing this?!)

Palau de Musica Catalan

Doménech i Montaner's Casa Amatller (left) & Gaudí's Casa Batllo

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