
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Quick stop in Heathrow...

Written: Tuesday – 13:57 (1:57 pm – London) (5:57 – San Francisco)

Well – now is as good a time as ever to start my blog. The only dilemma is that I am currently sitting in Heathrow without Internet connection. Yes I know this is post is copy and pasted from word onto the site, but that will just have to do. Well with in a few hours I will be off in Barcelona beginning my gap year adventures. Well technically my adventures started at the beginning of the summer with my exciting office job during the summer. This job was exciting and involved me doing extremely important tasks such as: alphabetizing papers (I became quite good at signing the alphabet), putting together countless binders, and printing paper. I honestly don’t think the law firm could have fully functioned without my presents, and I am still trying to figure how they are managing without me currently. (If you are unable to detect my thinly veiled sarcasm, I apologize in advanced – there will be more to come)

I still have not figured how to work the Internet in Heathrow; the British do not make it easy on us Americans. Well that is a lie, I have figured out how to work the internet but I am not sure what my wireless AT&T account name or password is so I am currently at a loss of what to do. Copy and pasting is my current solution.

Upon getting on to my first 747 flights I realized several key life long lessons. Number 1 - that I must learn to upgrade seating once I am on my own payroll. The seats in Business or world plus flyers (or something sounding like that) have practically there own mini cocoon – with amble amount of legroom. I can’t even imagine what first class must look like. The second and equally important thing I learned on this fight was that like most girls I love accents and that accents defiantly move boys up on the attractiveness scale. Tip for all male readers out there (which honestly I have no idea how many people will even be reading this besides my those who feel obligated to – sorry about that) move to a foreign country to have an accent different from the natives.

Pictures later to come – apologies for just words today

Cheerio from London,


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