
Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So this entery will be brief. I am not sure how many of you saw Vicky Christina Barcelona, but there is one scene where they go to and old amusment park that looks over the entire city, if not no worries. Anyhow on my last full day in Barcelona I went there. It was perhaps one of the most amazing sites in Barcelona. You have to take a cable car up, to a tram and then tram to get up the mountain. Then once you make it up there it is absoulty huge! So here are a few pictures from our day trip up the mountain.

Cable Car

Then the tram

The church at the top
Fairist weel and view of the city

View of the mountians behind Barcelona

Views of the city

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mom and Mel come to BCN

Two weekends ago my mom and Melody came to Barcelona for a whirlwind weekend full of shanagines, eating, running around the city, and bonding with me! This was really a treat for me and I have to admit one of my favorite weekends in Barcelona. Partially because I got to show them around Barcelona from the view point of someone who has been living here. It was really cool, it taught me how much I actually knew about the city. This entry is not going to be full of too many words partially because I am about to grab dinner with my family soon.

Warning this maybe a bit disjointed partially because my room is a mess right now and I am having serious problems focusing, but anyhow here it goes.

Day 1: We started the first day walking around Las Ramblas and Plaza Real, then seeing the Cathedral, and Santa Maria del Pi (another church in the Bario Gotico) then grabbed traditional tapas, which we ended up eating lots and lots of.

Day 2: Picasso Museum with the group, there was a special exhibit of Picasso and Degas here so we also got to see that. Then it was more wondering around Barrio Gotico, Born, and near Las Ramblas. Then we hopped on the metro and headed over to Passeig de Gracia for a girls lunch with Chessie, Anna, and Anna's Aunt and Grandma. Then it was back to the house to nap and regain energy. Then it was off to Sampaxa (a chocolate shop which is just too yummy for words.) Then it was off to my host family's house for a dinner. Which was a blast! We brought over cupcakes! Which turned out to be a major success.

Girls Lunch

Family Dinner

Day 3: Was quite the day! We started at Sangrada Famila only from the outside and then went hopped on the tour bus and took it to Park Guell, which was spectacular. It has a view that looks over the whole city and is absolutely amazing. Parts of it look like ginger bread houses, and trees, and I think pictures will better demonstrate then my words can. Then it was off to the Boqueria: el mercat. Here we ate lunch at one of the many restaurants here and afterwards ran around picking up different, sweets, cheeses, meets, and pastas for dinner that night.

Sangrada Familia

Park Guell

boqueria: el mercat

Day 4: Beach day! We headed back to lower las ramblas where we looked at some of the shops and then headed towards Mar Magnum and looked at more of the stands here. Then it was time for Paella! We grabbed lunch at one of the Port restaurants and got both a vegetable and traditional Paella - so filling! Then it was time for mom and Melody to step on to the Mediterranean sand. Then it was up to the Sangrada Familia again via the tour bus and time to go inside. Here gorgeous stained glass windows illuminated the inside of the Cathedral. Then some dinner and off to bed.

Day 5: After class my mom and I headed to back to Passeig de Gracia and went into Gaudí's Casa Batllo and went by some of the other modernist buildings around here. Then grabbed one last dinner together before she was to head back to the states the next morning.

Well that was a quick summary of the weekend... sorry if its boring to read, but words are not really my forte, especially at the moment. Caio for now.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This trip is flying by... and one would expect right now that I would have had an atractive spaniard and had a spanish romance. Unfortunatly, but maybe fortunatly for my father, I have not. But me still living in my fairy tale world found people who have found love in Europe....


Young Love

Couple on the go

a stroll on the beach

couples weekend viewing the city

more couples
love in paris

just for a stroll in the park

odd couple

New-Newly Weds